Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29th

Can one really truly retire? According to Webster's Dictionary to retire means to leave one's job and cease to work.

     I once heard a Jewish Rabbi on the radio say people should not retire. Rabbi Daniel Lapin says there is no word for retirement in the Bible. He says when people retire their health deteriotes and they are telling God they are done serving people. Then who needs you? Can you imagine not serving others?
     When I was a teenager I wanted a job. I wanted my own money so I could spend it the way I wanted to spend it. My parents said my job was for me to go to school and get an education. They said I could baby-sit on the weekends. I could work during the two week Christma break and during the summer but during the school year I was to work at getting an education. I guess if you look at it that way, then I have been working since I was 5. So do I think I can truly retire? Can I leave my job and cease to work? Definitely I can walk away from my current job. Since I have made the decision to retire the pressure is lifting. However, can I really cease to work? I think I could take a month or so off but then I would get right back to it. Working!
     So what will I do? What do you think I should do? I think my next post will start on jobs I just might like to do or be good at. Stay tuned, give me your input.
     Have a great end of July!

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